Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
This is easy. We all have daily opportunities to reduce our electrical demands, our waste, the amount we eat, our water usage, the distances we drive, and the things we buy. We all have daily opportunities to reuse our blue jeans from yesterday, the cup we drank out of earlier, the other side of that piece of paper our grocery list was on, and that shopping bag. Every day there is something to recycle. Get a cart with wheels for your bins so it won’t deter you from hauling them to the curb. So many products now are made from recycled materials which keeps them from those nasty landfills. Do your part.
Beyond recycling plastic water bottles is the bigger picture. We must eliminate plastic from our life. Log onto YOU TUBE and search for “plastic island” to see exactly where your plastic bags, bottle, kitchen gloves and food containers are going. We are severely affecting the oceans with our plastic as well as our own health since the fish and birds are eating the plastic.
- Bamboo is a grass and is extremely renewable
- Millions of plastic water bottles are used every day
- Plastic grocery bags are not biodegradable, petrolium is used to make them and each year more than 85 billion are used!
- Paper coffee cups are not recyclable because of the waterproof lining
- Aluminum cans can be recycled and used over and over and over
Green Parent Association has not been endorsed by any of these experts. We have included them on our page so YOU can rely on them as much as we do. We hope they don't mind us trying to send you to their site!
Green Parent's Fresh Picks
(products we currently love - this is NOT a paid advertising section)
Recommended Reading / Watching
- Charles Moore – the Great Pacific plastic trash island (video)
- The Great Pacific Garbage Patch – Good Morning America (video)
- Are Dream Machines the Answer to America’s Recycling Woes? by by Tom Szaky of TerraCycle, Trenton NJ on 06. 6.11
- Respect the Earth (flash cards), by eeBoo Corporation
- Munch Crunch Bunch, by Jan Wolterman, Melinda Hemmelgarn, MS, RD and J.W. Wolterman
- One Bottle, One Dream, by Stephanie Armenia